My name is David Crook and I am the Licensee and owner of this boutique real estate office. I first entered real estate in 1976 where my training as a rental property manager and assistant valuer commenced in a family business with a 100 year old history in Richmond, Melbourne. I entered the sales division 2 years later. After managing a newly opened real estate office in Tullamarine, Melbourne for 2 years; at the age of 25 years I opened my first of, to date, 5 offices in 4 different countries in Europe, North America and here in Australia. Having experience in many different market places and conditions over 4 decades, my background in real estate is more extensive and different than your local real estate salesperson. As such I offer this knowledge and training to my clients.
Today the training in real estate is to spend 75-80% of your day searching for new business. This leaves so little of your day to servicing your existing business; the clients that have put their trust and investment in you. This has resulted in Sales People being required to manage the marketing and sales of as many as 15 properties at a time! I will only have a maximum of 5 properties. This allows me to have personal knowledge of the home, the Buyers and the home owner, my Client. This reduces conflict of interests where a buyer is shown multiple similar properties and the Agent helps the Buyer buy one over the other. Was it the cheaper, easier sale rather than the best sale? With DJC we have a boutique approach, you never become just a number. Personal service is important to us and time and time again it shows better results for our clients.
This approach provides our Sellers the following benefits.
We can provide more time at open house inspections. We are not running off and telling buyers to leave so as to get to the next open house.
We have more time to show Buyers through mid-week private appointments.
We have more time to spend with your buyers on your property.
We are not spending all our time in canvassing for new homes.
We believe in a quality not quantity approach to achieve your best price.
I look forward to meeting you to discuss these few points of difference and have a full discussion on the marketing strategies that my company can offer you. The market is changing at present and many of the companies and staff have not seen or operated in a changing market. My 4 decades of knowledge and experience of different markets will enhance my client’s results over the next 12 months.

David Crook
Principal / Licensee
Sales & Marketing
Ph: 0431 090 708
Email: davidc@djcre.com.au
Nearly 40 years and 3 continents of knowledge and experience in real estate allows me to create DJC Real Estate as an innovative way of providing enhanced real estate knowledge and service through our Interactive Open Office.
As the Licensee of DJC Real Estate I welcome you to this unique business venture.
I am here to ensure you of my efforts and personal attention to achieve the best possible outcome in your real estate venture.
Returning with experience from owning real estate offices in Melbourne, Brisbane, Canada & Croatia and dealings with people from all walks of life and cultures I find this knowledge and experience have provided me with a way of thinking outside the local box. Thus I am able to provide skills to my clients of which local agencies are unaware. New insights! New solutions! Providing consulting and training to some of the largest international real estate organisations, financial institutions and Real Estate Boards, I have picked up and fused ideas and skills from the world markets that can provide alternative approaches to marketing real estate.
Email: info@djcre.com.au

PO Box 27 Arana Hills QLD, Australia 4504
Mob: 0431090708